Wind / Jazz / Outer Space

painting: "the Oracle" by Tom Bubul
In keeping with the tradition established by the first iteration of the website, I will continue to use this space to "try and wrap my head around it". Possibilities for post formats include but are not limited to essays, questions, reviews, a collection of screengrabs, reader mail, interviews, guest posts, or "just saying hey". These are all viable categories for "what is a post". Some of these posts might involve trying to make sense of past projects, or archiving past works in some format. It would be great if I could use this space to chip away at larger writing projects, maybe to collate them later in some format, but who knows.
Announcements of upcoming events, that's going to be a utility of this website.
Having a dollhouse that I tweak out endlessly with funny little rooms and lights that work and secret passages, I can't help but picture that as a huge part of my experience with this website.
The original span of writing on this website is offline, and I have collected it safely, and sometimes in the evening I look at it or grep through it, for personal satisfaction reasons. What a relief to have that stuff no longer online! I'm not really a "burn the manuscript" kind of person, but I can definitely understand the desire. Maybe I'll call some of that stuff back up at some point though? It's fun to look at. I told Dan Wars that I'd make him a 10 volume set of books, 2000-2010, of the original run, but then I started to do just that, and I realized something interesting: I do not want to do that. That said, if you have a request for a topic to be searched in that body of material I will entertain the request, which is to say I'll consider it. 🙂
OK it's tough to get loose on this, the first one of the new way on the legacy website, and I'm trying hard not to introspect too hard, as I've found that to be a particularly swampy procrastination vector. Soooooo I'm just going to list some upcoming events and news items and click post, and drink some more coffee, and do other things. I'll be wigglier on the next wave. See you then, or if you're not reading this immediately, but much later, then just: Hi!
news / events
- Back issues of Mothers News are now available via 2 different distros- [What Things Do] and [Domino Books]. Austin wrote a great blurb for the Domino listing, describing MN as "utopic" and "approachable", which is a blessing. To be honest, I wrote the blurb for the WTD listing, which is why I'm described as a "colossal dreamweaver". I usually have a hard time writing about myself in a sales way, this time I dove into it and rolled around.
I did a quick search for "colossal dreamweaver" in advance of the post to see if that was already a coin in some cultural context. Image search was almost entirely close-ups of natural fiber high-pile carpet, with a light dusting of zaftig Hyborian battle angels. In re: the distro catalogs and the image search, it's nice to be in good company.
- I'm playing a show with a new ensemble on January 25th, a Saturday, at the News Cafe in Pawtucket. The band is called "Strawberry Band" and we're playing in support of Alpha Error, RONG, and Funeral Cone. Gonna have a couple newish songs, or songs that are new to a rock band context. The show is $5, doors at 7 music at 8. If you want to get hyped for the gig I recommend watching the movie Linda Linda Linda. If you want to get hyped to watch this very enjoyable movie you can read all about it on [Flan's blog]. I think we're playing last. All the bands are good.
- My artists residency program CTRI Innovations is still taking applicants, if you want to drink a cup of coffee with me and have a rambling talk that eventually gets to "so, what are you working on?", you can apply online [here].

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