Oxygen Drunk In Middle School:
First Questionnaire

Anywayyyyyyyyyyy I got to thinking how nice it is to have more voices in the castle than just my own, so I thought it'd be fun to do a sort of questionnaire, directed at you, the readers. I'm thinking if I get enough responses I'll collate some of the answers into posts over the next couple months. I love stories, mail, and collating, and I love to think about these kinds of questions-- they aren't really about "the finer points of life" qua "fine dining" but they are about fine points in re: "small details", which for me is a ready source of joy. Hopefully something here connects with you. If you have some time this week or whenever, I'd love to hear from you. There's no real urgency but why not do it now? Or write "FUJICHIA" on your hand now and do it before the ink washes off? It's "F-U-J-I-C-H-I-A".
There's a lot of questions, and they are pretty specific, so just answer whatever ones you have an answer for and leave the rest blank. And probably this is obvious but I'm looking for more than just a yes or no answer here. Like if I say "Do you have a favorite dinosaur" and you just say "yes", that gets me nowhere. I want to know what the dinosaur is, and what about it is appealling. If you have an answer that doesn't seem too exciting, send it anyway. If you can only answer one or two, that's valid. If you don't have an answer to any of these but you just want to say hi, that is an approved move as well.
Oh, and it's ok to put a nickname, initials, or a nom de plume in the "name section", but as far as the other answers are concerned I'm looking for real stuff only, not made-up stuff!!
Fujichia Reader Questionnaire #1
directions: Click this button to copy the questionnaire to the clipboard. Then paste it into a blank email. Answer as many questions as you want. Then send the email to jacob@fujichia.com. If the copy button doesn't work (quite possible) then just try it the regular way.
-- Name:
-- Is there a local tv commercial you grew up watching that you quote often or think about sometimes? Did you ever try to find it on youtube?
-- Did you ever have a time in your life when you made a certain sound so much that people asked you to stop? Like not just once but a time period spanning weeks or months
-- Did you ever have a meal that you made so much you just called it "the meal" or something similarly vague? Do you still like it or are you like No More "The Meal"?
-- Do you ever eat (or feel compelled to eat) something that "isn't food"?
-- Did you want to get a tattoo when you were a kid? What was it? Did you get it or decide against it? Why?
-- What are some bugs near you that you like?
-- Did you ever have a Halloween costume that you later wore as regular clothes?
-- Is there a common ice cream flavor that you've never tried? Do you think you ever will someday?
-- Do you buy anything in bulk? Does buying things in bulk make you love them more?
-- Is there a word you think you maybe say too much?
-- Is there anything simple and dumb that you do that you're proud of? No big life stuff or "being kind"-- I'm thinking more like "cool way of folding a letter" or "napkin trick"
-- Is there any math stuff that seems wrong to you? ie 7 x 8 = 56
-- You ever get bit by something other than a dog, cat, bug, or person?
-- Did you ever tell a lie where you made up a person for the story and the person had a name?
-- Do you have a fake name you use sometimes when it really doesn't matter? Like at a sandwich shop or something.
-- Do you have a piece of clothing that changes your personality when you wear it, either for the better or for the worse?
-- Did you ever see a UFO?
-- Did you ever touch a shark?
-- What's something you like to do that you're not good at?
-- Is there a book that you're obsessed with and you think of or refer to it as "the book"?
-- Did you ever crash your bike because you had a song stuck in your head?
-- Is there a discontinued candy or item that you look for sometimes, or mourn the loss of?
-- Do you ever have a dream (not a nightmare) about the stairs?
-- Did you ever meet a time traveller?
-- Do you have a favorite dinosaur? If you can't choose, what's one you really like?
-- Is there any stationary you're loyal to? Do you stock up on it?
-- Did you ever have your heart set on a very particular piece of clothing but you don't know for sure if it exists? Did you find it?
-- Additional message:

Links / Misc
- the FANG Community Bail Fund is still seeking donations, to free people being held in local jails in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Maybe you think of bail as "just the way it works" but it's insane that if you can't pay to get out of jail you just stay in jail. Anyway Sherrie just posted an update on the page that's worth a read. [gofundme]
- "Neighborly Actions" is a weeklyish announcement list for RI residents, of things you can do in support of life on this planet at the current time. You can sign up here: [substack]. It's free, Kate runs it and she's great. Thanks Kate!
- Tom Bubul's show is up in the castle's grand ballroom-- from the main entrance hall you go to the stairs, then go up the stairs a flight, and it's the first door, right next to the washroom. Here's a link to the main entrance hall: [main entrance]. Tom's website is here: [link]
If you got here through a link, click here to go outside and come back in: [outside]
Archives of previous posts is here, in the coat room: [coatroom]
To sign up to get these posts in your email for free, click here: [substack]
To write me a nice message, use the contacts page: [link]
To leave a little donation to help in the maintance of this castle, OR to simply hear the sound of a large bell, which is good luck, visit the temple area: [link]
As always, if you're bugging out or need a respite from endlessly scrolling the feed, you are welcome to hang out in the castle as long as you want. :)