A Mouse In The House

"Unexpected Answer", René Magritte 1933
Sorry guys I don't really have a new one this week, we've been going nuts trying to deal with these mice in the castle! One or two little mice I can make peace with but I think there's a whole society in there. I think I can hear them watching TV? And it's possible that they're stealing my mail??? Possibly for years???????
I'm pretty sure they're all over the castle but I know for sure they're in the temple because someone left Hannukah gelt coins in there recently and they ate through the foil and nibbled the chocolate. I don't want them to poop all over my website! If anyone has any tips for how to get mice out of a website please let me know. In the meantime say hi to the mice if you see one of them. And I guess ask them to keep the TV down???
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