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Upcoming Events December 2023

So much has happened since I last wrote but I'm not going to get into it right now, I have a lot to do in the next couple days so I'm just going to blast out the upcoming events to you guys and move on. Pertinent to the upcoming events though, I want to say one personal life change which is that I got a green tweed suit and I've been wearing it every day as my regular clothes. If you come to an event, you can see the suit. I'm not posting a pic because I can't get a good one, that's my curse. Every picture of myself that I take myself I'm looking at myself like "why am I looking at myself with this 'why' look?". Don't get me wrong, I like when other people take pictures of themselves, I like to click on them. For me though, I can't do it.
Soonest First, Starting With Now:

- 2023/12/04 Now or whenever you're reading this - I made some new stuffed animals and put them up on the Fujichia storefront. These will ship out immediately, and local pickup is also available to those close enough to Providence RI who want to see the suit. Even though money is even closer to the wire than usual (and it's usually extremely close), I have made the difficult decision to not increase the prices this year, I hope this doesn't show a lack of respect for myself. I actually love and respect myself, which the suit should make clear. Link to store is at the end of this missive.
- 2023/12/09 Saturday- I'm going to be selling stuff at (or after?) the Ricky Rainbowbeard show at AS220. The show is from 1-2pm, or, it's a show that starts at 1 and lasts an hour, then the shop aspect is 2-4pm. you could catch both, or just the shop, it's open format in that regard.
I had fun at this last year, I was sitting next to my clam guys. And you know what, I talked to my clam guys the other day, they're going to be at this one too. "So, youuuuuu're the claaaaaaam guyssssss" you can say and they'll smile and nod. Unlike the clams that are their vocation, these guys open right up (personally) without any tools. "How are you" they'll say, or "nice to meet you".
Ricky Rainbowbeard is also good, his show is a live kid's show. It's not like a jokey kid's show that's actually for cynical adults, this is like, there's going to be kids there having a great time. Bring a kid if you got one. I'll be there selling stuff, Muffy's going to be there, the clam guys as I mentioned, it'll be great. AS200 is at 95 Empire St in Providence and this event is free. Yes to suit on this one.
- 2023/12/10 Sunday- I'll be selling stuff at the Dirt Palace Holiday Faire, in Olneyville Square, Providence RI. It's from noon to 6pm. This is always an extremely nice time, I love hanging out in the Dirt Palace drinking shitty supermarket coffee with amaretto in it, and that's precisely what I anticipate for this event. Sadly Alison won't be there dressed as Santa, she moved to New Mexico like 6 years ago. The Dirt Palace is at 14 Olneyville Square in Providence, inbetween La Lupita and the System. This event is from 12 to 6pm. I will be really showing off the suit and probably I'll even be like "what do you think of the suit" if I'm talking to someone and they don't bring it up.
- 2023/12/17 Sunday- I'll be selling at the Riff Raff holiday sales event, at Riff Raff Books, on Valley Street in Providence. And in addition to books they have a coffee bar and a bar bar. You can get a martini with 3 olives in it and call it a salad. I wouldn't, but you could. Ahhhhhh maybe I would.... If Mike T was here I would. I'll probably just be eating a light lunch I brought from home, just like, actual food. And peddling my wares. Yes suit.
Not that I need to sweeten the pot for any of these sales events but if I see you and you remind me of the contents of this paragraph I will give you a small compass. I got these online this week, it was almost the same price to get 25 as to get just 1 so that's what I did, here they are:
The reason they aren't all pointing the same direction in this photo is that each one has a magnet AND seeks a magnet, so you get a few together and they break free from the delicate pull of the Earth and point along the sinewy currents of force of the field that they create as a group. We've all done this. But I tested them for accuracy in isolation and they all really do point basically north, except for 2 which I have discarded:
My goal is to carry one of these compasses around for a while and see if I can eventually train myself to know which way I'm facing without checking. I really think it's possible! If you want to also try and acquire this skill I'll give you one of these compasses for free, and then when we see each other later we can challenge each other to locate magnetic north without checking. Sorry, I know there's an allegory in here for something or like a way to build this into a story about our world but like I said I'm trying to just blast this note out and move on. Hope to see some of you soon!
Links / misc
- Fujichia storefront: [].
- Ricky's website: []
- Dirt Palace website: []
- Riff Raff books: []
- My compass experiment is inspired by a Radiolab episode I listened to in 2011, related to the Guugu Yimithirr people of Australia, and their language, which uses cardinal directions instead of egocentric directions. You can listen here, via []. It's incredible that the mp3 links work here, shoutout to the heros at the Internet Archive!
- Friend of the castle Kate Schapira has a book coming out! It's called "Lessons From The Climate Anxiety Counseling Booth" and you can preorder on Amazon here: [amazon]. She also has a really nice email newsletter you can sign up for here: [tinyletter]. It's great to get regular letters from Kate and I'm really looking forward to the book!

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