

You're in a small library. It's warm, though cold drafts issue forth from depths unseen. On a long table someone has left out a large array of manuscripts. A smaller table has some notebooks and piles of paper on it. A low purple couch offers a dusty place to sit.

It's hard to see in here... You hear something creaking in the darkness.... You look around for a light...

Welcome to the castle library. I'm gradually putting more and more stuff in here, which means it will probably always be a bit of a mess-- things in the wrong place, broken links, etc.. Nonetheless you are welcome to browse as long as you want. This room is for material related to writing / publishing.



Misc Writing

Here's some of the writing I've done that was in some way "published", either by myself or others, including one-offs, guest appearances, and larger multi-part projects. Larger projects are marked with a star. In many instances here this material is available immediately, either as a file or a link elsewhere. Although not everything is archived here and quite frankly there's a fair amount of material that never will be.

I resumed writing on this website, which you are now reading, after a 10 year hiatus. Previous posts native to the current version are currently stored in the coat room: [link]
Wedding Cake House Book
I had a piece of writing in the book "Ruffles, Repair, and Ritual", published as part of an arts show with the same name, to commemorate the opening of the Wedding Cake House, a small hotel in Providence run by the Dirt Palace arts collective. My piece is called "Roaming Around A Destroyed House", you can read it here: [link]
Cory Didn't Like It
I got a writing credit on a 7" record from the band Funeral Cone-- they did an adapted version of a song I wrote for them. My song was called "Cory Didn't Like It" but they changed the lyrics a little and called it "ABBA.C.A.B". This is in "writing" rather than "music" because I wrote it for someone else to sing. [youtube]
Rolling Egg
In concert with the Providence Fringe Festival, I produced a one-page zine every day for 4 consecutive days, writing it at night, editing and printing in the morning, delivering it in the afternoon, repeat. These issues were distributed at the festival but also available online for free as PDFs: [link]. I wrote about this project in a post, you can read that here: [link]
I started an artists residency program that meets in the space of a cup of coffee and conversation. After that you go home. This counts as writing because afterwards I do a little write-up on it. Info on the program is here: [link] and my individual reports are here: [link].
Happiness Pony
OK this is a little convoluted, but the free monthly newspaper Happiness Pony asked me to write an advice column for this one issue, but instead of a contemporary person asking a reasonable question, they sent me a question from the diary of Samuel Pepys. I did a great job because that's my nature but I humbly beseech the people of the 21st century to de-escalate your riffs before you transcend decadence into mayhem. [link].
Interview With/As Funeral Cone
Again, this is pretty convoluted but Funeral Cone asked me to be them in an interview for Maximumrockandroll. Unfortunately this was just after the edict came down from editorial "no more goofy stuff" and this is undeniably goofy. [link]
100% Publishing
I had a short-lived blog that was all book reviews, it's still up here: [link].
And That's Called Bad
I did a little write up on the Shangri-las for a zine about the Shangri-las. I don't think this is available anywhere but you can read my bit here: [link].
for the Boston Hassle
I wrote a year-ender for the Boston Hassle, you can read that here: [link]
Rot Omnibus
Wrote up an intro to Arthur Katrina's collection of Rat Radio comics, which originally appeared in Mothers News.
Scam Magazine
I wrote an advice column with Brontez Purnell for SCAM magazine, the 25th anniversary issue! Scam Magazine... a dream come true! You can read it here: [link]
wrote up a good pragmatic riff on the subject of "leaving" for Xander Marro's DEMONS anthology, vol 2, "Leaving". more info / buy a copy here: [link]
Lunar Observer
20 installments of a weekly essay for theoutline.com. I couldn't figure out how to view by author so I collected all the essays here: [link]. I got canned eventually either because I wasn't making the sort of sense they were expecting, or because I was advocating that people not look at their phone on the toilet, which looking back on it, that was their business model.
Mothers News
41 issues of a monthly newspaper. These are not online but back issues of select issues are available from Domino Books: [link]. "Essential reading" - the Paris Review. I put these online to read, see below. Also [link].
Remote Outposts
Greg asked me to guest on his tape review blog so I did this review of Tracey Trance's tape "101". You can read it here: [link].
Noo Weekly
I wrote a piece for this website (that isn't published weekly btw). They publish in chunks and Madeline ffitch curated this particular chunk. This was going to be in Mothers News but then I re-routed it because I wanted to be sensitive to people that don't want to read about stabbing things. Anyway you can read my entry here: [link].
RAV volume 1
I wrote an intro to the first collection of Mickey Zacchilli's comic book RAV Volume 1, on Youth In Decline press. I thought I did a pretty straight-forward job but then a review in The Comics Journal described the book as having "oblique accompanying texts". What's that all about? Is it because it was just words with no pictures? Should I have included a drawing of myself and then a line that goes from the words to my mouth? Gimme a break guy.
Happiness Pony
I wrote up a thing for Happiness Pony about the character of "Monkey", as part of their 4-part series on Hermes, Barnum, Monkey, and Legba, which was derived from an earlier riff of mine, regarding trickster figures. You can read it online here: [link].
for the Boston Hassle
wrote up a Best of 2011 for the Boston Hassle link
Comics Journal
wrote up a Providence Scene Report for the Comics Journal website. link
I kept an online journal at this location for ten years but I took all those posts down in 2015 or something. It was stressing me out thinking that writing from 20 years ago was still online, in a way that made it seem like I was still thinking this way. I don't want someone looking up their old band for instance and finding the only person talking about it is me and I was having a bad night that night. These old posts are all backed up on my hard drive, and I reserve the right to tease out some wayback content at any moment in the future. OK to request a topic for review 🙂
Misc Zines
Interview With A Frankenstein (4 issues), Found a Job (2 issues), Pull The Strings (2 issues? maybe there was just one), Toxic Erotic (2 issues), Moticos (2 issues). Then there's a bunch of one-offs: Scenery #16 (I published my own issue of Mike Taylor's zine), Letter To Sweetie, Hudson River Valley, I Might Be A Big Baby, New Paris, Harps In Pine, and probably more. I also contributed to Scenery, Bullshit Frank & Gorilla Joe, Bloodmilk, Love Wins, 2 zines from the Dirt Palace, and... probably more. I might scan some of these in later, or parts of some of them, but I'm definitely not scanning them all in, no way.

Interviews / press

I love having conversations and doing interviews, which are just conversations that someone writes down. Some of these are perfunctory "pressers", some are more in-depth. But even the lite ones have cool parts. My favorite one is the one with MRR.

Nice weird interview with Mothers News in the December issue of Maximumrockandroll magazine. What an honor! Read it online here. Read this interview translated into Japanese here: part 1, part 2, part 3. Translation by mothersnewsjapan.tumblr.com, our Japanese fanslation squad! thanks!!!!
Sick Papes
Nice interview posted on Sick Papes. Mostly this blog is about scientific papers and at the time I was publishing a different kind of paper, but you know what, DIY means making your own rules and deciding when to break them. I was extremely happy to get to talk about dung beetles and I could tell that my enthusiasm was shared.
Boston Hassle
nice little interview on the Boston Hassle website in advance of my gallery show. [link]. archived via screengrab here: [link].
ARTnews did a nice little interview with me about my residency program, CTRI Innovations. You can read it here: [link].
I did a nice interview with Forge magazine, it's a little rambly but I had a nice time. This guy Matthew is so nice, I could've talked with him until sun up. You can read this online here or if you have a hard time with this online pdf format I made a website of screengrabs of relevant areas of the pdf here.
I did an interview with Brian Nicholson for ACRES magazine- we did this interview a long time ago, and I was under the impression that it wasn't going to come out, so I posted it here: link. But my information was off, or it was right but the situation changed. Anyway this was published in the spring 2017 issue, which you can order here: Acres.
Boston Hassle for Animal Year
Talked to Sam P at the Boston H on the occasion of my stuffed animals show in Los Angeles California.


Happiness Pony for Animal Year
Talked to Alicenne Reid at the Happiness Pony on the occasion of my stuffed animals show in Los Angeles California.

They don't have a website but here's a complete scan of the issue (2 pages, pdf, 2.1mb) [link]

KBOO for Animal Year
Talked to Rose at Portland OR radio station KBOO on the occasion of my stuffed animals show in Los Angeles California.

This is a 38min audio interview, (mp3, 73mb) [link].

You can listen to the entire show here: [link]

Mothers News

In May 2010 I started publishing a monthly newspaper called Mothers News, which eventually ran to 41 issues before I "lost the path that does not turn" so to speak. I've been debating about whether or not to put these online but now I'm thinking I'll just go ahead. I had planned to do a book that collects all of my writing from this project, combined with some sort of memoir material and of course copious footnotes, excuses, and apologies. But I got hung up on the idea that I should do this "not DIY" for once, and then I couldn't figure out how. So it got shelved. Thank you to all the readers that gave me positive vibes about the idea of doing a book, but at the present moment I just can't figure out how to proceed. Maybe I'll make a nicer little stand-alone website for these back issues at some point in the future? Anyway you can read them online now. I keep them all in this milkcrate:

If you want hard copies of Mothers News, a small package of select issues is available from Domino Books: [link]. "Essential reading" - the Paris Review.

Zine Collection

I have a lot of zines from the late 90s to the present. It's a cool collection, and while I can't scan in entire issues (and I think that doing so would be a bad idea), I decided it was OK to scan in the covers. So that's what I did. I wanted to write up a little title / author / date metadata for each one, but lets face facts, that's a lot of work and probably not going to happen. And of course I have a million thoughts about all this stuff, but the start of the conversation is just "here it is".

In addition to lots of other material, there's a lot of free weird newspapers in here. I think this collection contains the best 21st century collection of these, being that I ran a (comparatively) long-standing free weird newspaper and people sent me theirs in the spirit of jamming. That's an energy I really appreciate.

Anyway there's a lot of zines, I keep them in these crates:

Small Flyer Collection

Ahhhh what do we got here, looks like a nice little large envelope of small flyers I saved! These are the flyers and posters smaller than 9x12" (aka the ones that can fit on the scanner). I don't think this is all of the small ones but I don't know where the other envelope is. I still have to go through and take pictures of the larger ones, but I don't know how I'm going to do that yet.


Sometimes I generate lists of things, and they're not posts but maybe they're helpful to have around somewhere? I'll just tack them here.

Movies 2021
Another list of movies I watched this year, with annotations, including rewatches, skipping nothing. I'm thinking about compiling these lists seasonally from now on, these lists are too long. I watched a lot of King Kong movies this year. [link]

PLEASE NOTE that starting in 2022 the movie lists are compiled QUARTERLY and put into a post. All posts are presently archived in the coat room.

Movies 2020
As I did for 2019, I compiled a list of every movie I watched this year, from a quick grep of my personal journal. I guess I'm doing this every year now. [link]
Movies 2019
I compiled a list of every movie I watched in 2019, from a quick grep of my personal journal. If anyone reading this also likes Tora-San feel free to contact me. [link]
CTRI Topics of Discussion
I take notes during this artists residency program I run, about topics covered in our conversation. This is a list of all the topics that I made note of, in alphabetical order by topic. [link]
All (?) Events
OK here's a chronological list of (I think) every "event". I started this when I was trying to make a professional artist's CV, I guess I made this as a reaction. I mean compared to the important things in my life, my "regular artists CV" materials are just a bug's turd on glass. Anyway I try to keep this current. If there's something I missed on here please let me know! It's here: [link]
Sometime in 2019 I started to keep a little screengrab of every time I look up a word in the dictionary. That list is here: [link]. I guess I'll update this every couple months? I love words and I love looking them up in the dictionary.