Light Housekeeping

Last week I wrote about how the Cranston bike path doesn't have enough pathetically stoned grafitti. Well I went out the other day and someone painted a stick figure with a joint and "420", which is the area code for weed. I don't think whoever did it reads these posts, that's a little too egomaniacal for even me, but I just want to register my appreciation to the universe. I seen it, and I liked it.I mentioned this to Mikey Knives when I saw him and he said that in addition to the lack of weedian material there's also been a dearth of idiotic metalhead grafitti. I can understand the absense of marijuaniana juvenalis (no one wants to exchange droplets), but whither the 666's, Hail Satan's and crummy adaptations of the Samhain skull? You guys don't walk the path at night listening to garbage, hating society, and feeling like an abomination? Maybe there's a more desolate zone nearby that attracts metallers and their images. Or maybe the dissonant tones of metal no longer appeal to the desolate youth of Cranston RI... Alas... Are there even any young shitmetal bands nowadays?? Send links.
I don't really have a third thing but you can't do a list and then it's just two things. :)--------- end new writing --------------------------------------------->
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